The Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsel (CALC) is currently holding the Africa Regional Conference in Mombasa, Kenya under the theme, “The Future of Legislative Drafting in Africa – What lies ahead?”
Today the Chairperson of the Zambia Law Development Commission Hon. Justice Ruth H Chibbabbuka and her counterpart Ms. Christine Agimba, Chairperson of the Kenya Law Reform Commission led the keynote discussion session for the day themed “The Confluence between law reform, legislative drafting and legislative development: Milestones and challenges by law reform institutions.” The ZLDC Chairperson underscored the importance of the contributions made by law reform institutions to the work of legislative drafting departments. Speaking specifically to the Zambian situation she stated that the lean work-pool in the legislative drafting department necessitates the enhancement of the skills set of the Law Commission as it serves its complementary role to the Department. This would require among others enhancing the skills set in relation to legislative drafting.
The Conference is being hosted by the Parliament of Kenya and the Office of the Attorney General for Kenya. The Conference will deliberate on numerous themes pertinent to the Commission’s work. Presentations will be made on different thematic issues such as globalisation, the rule of law, challenges for African Commonwealth legislative drafting; enhancing the dissemination, updating and revision of African legislation; and legislative drafting and technology
In Pictures: Zambia Law Development Commission Chairperson, Madam Justice Ruth Chibbabbuka with Ms. Christine Agimba, Chairperson Kenya Law Reform Commission (FR), Ms. Mwenya K. Bwalya, Permanent Secretary, Legal, Ministry of Justice (C), Dr. Johnson Okello, Conference Convenor, CALC Africa Regional Representative & Director Legal Services Parliament of Kenya (IL) and Mr. Andy Beattie, CALC President (FL) at the CALC Africa Regional Conference in Mombasa, Kenya.