What We Do
The Zambia Law Development Commission was established under the ZLDC Act chapter 32 of the laws of Zambia in 1996 to conduct law reform. Its functions are to:
a.) Revise and reform the law in Zambia;
b.) Codify unwritten laws in Zambia;
c.) Review and consider proposals for law reform referred to the Commission by the Minister of Justice or the members of the public;
d.) Hold seminars and conferences on legal issues;
e.) Translate any piece of legislation into local languages;
f.) To research and make recommendations on:-
(i) The socio-political values of the Zambian
people that should be incorporated into legislation;
(ii) The anomalies that should be eliminated in the statute book;
(iii) New and more effective methods of administration of the law and the dispensation of justice that should be adopted and legislated;
(iv) New areas of the law that should be developed which are responsive to the changing needs of Zambian society; and
(v) The removal of archaic pieces of legislation from the statute book.